About Goerp

Goerp is a blog about all the things I make:

  • Cartoons, animations:
    I’ve been making cartoons for years. Some were published in national media. A lot of my older stuff can still be found on my old site.
    Sometimes I make simple animations. Those are all mostly made with Flash (I’m waiting patiently till the Flash emulator has matured enough).
    I make cartoons for the Dutch Europass organization. A selection can be found on their site: http://ontwikkeling.europass.nl/over-europass/europass-cartoons/ They also have a presence on Instagram.
  • Games:
    at first I made some stuff in Excel (also see https://excel.goerp.nl). After discovering Flash I had a much more flexible tool to create animations and interactive stuff.
    In August 2013 I entered the Ludum Dare Game competition which had me hooked for several years. Game jams are are rare for me now, since the demise of FLash. I do make games from time to time but there all for the Commodore 64 now. 
    Two of them are on itch: https://goerp.itch.io/
    They are also in development, but don’t hold your breath!
    Most of my Ludum Dare game were on the old Ludum Dare site, they’re still on the web archive.
  • Music: I never had any musical training, but I’ve been playing guitar for some time now and sometimes play around with a looper. Since I started making games I have a use for the simple (and sometimes) random tunes I make.

Commodore 64

Since 2010 I started to make things again for my childhood computer: the Commodore 64.
You can find my Commodore related stuff on The Commodore Scene Database 


If you like what I do and would like to let me now, or if you have questions, you can use the contact form below or try to contact me via twitter @goerp.

If you think words are not enough (or my spamfilter is been overreacting again) you could also send me a different kind of appreciation: Paypal me

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    1 Comment

    1. Isaac


      Entschulding fuer meine Anfrage aus dem nichts. Ich suche verzweifelt jemanden mit Kontaktaddresse, den ich zu vice.js eine Fragen stellen koennte und habe gesehen du benutzt den vice.js emulator.

      Ich versuche derzeit dieses Java Script auf meiner Webseite unterzubringen.


      Weiter unten, im Link, sind 3 Beispiele in html angezeigt und es funktioniert soweit auch alles soweit testweise (habe daraus jeweils die index.html gemacht und getestet).

      Allerdings, das zweite, die Autostart funktion implementierung funktioniert ueberhaupt nicht und der emulator startet nichtmal … ich weiss einfach nicht woran es liegt. Ich habe die permissions versucht zu aendern, habe die image datei “d64” im gleichen folder etc….

      Gibt es vielleicht irgendwas bestimmtes was ich aendern muss im html code (folder/path c/permissions … und ja, klar, d64 image namen) – oder hast du das einfach so zum laufen bekommen? Ich kann den Emulator starten, aber mehr nicht.

      Vielen Dank fuer die Zeit und entschuldigung fuer die Belaestigung,

      Ps. das Kontaktformular funktioniert nicht.

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