Another Ludum Dare done

This time the theme was ‘Beneath the surface’.
The theme had been in the top 20 suggestions a few times, so I already had some ideas. I chose one and started coding.

after day one I had something that looked like this:

early screenshot
the pink lines are the muscles, the possible expressions are shown below

A game where you had to try to have a succesful date by making the facial expression fit the things your date would say. You had to do that by pulling the appropriate muscles in QWOP style by pressing the right buttons.


But after one day of coding I realised that the way I was going, the game would be no fun at all and extremely difficult. So I decided to quit this Ludum (later I got a good suggestion how to make it more fun, so I might get back to it).


However, the next morning i had an idea for a silly little game. So I tried to make that one. But now I only had one day to do it all!


It is a silly pun: it’s about a surf ace called Ben Eath. You see? ‘Ben Eath the Surf Ace’. Hilarious!


I tried to evoke a kind of 70’s action comedy vibe, like ‘Magnum’.

here’s Ben!

Creating the game mechanic wasn’t hard at all. There’s not much game actually.
But I also wanted to create some music in ’70’s surfer style’ which took some time.

Here they are


intro: Ben Eath title music

in-game music: Ben Eath in-game music

although there are many errors and I have trouble keeping time I had a lot of fun making them and am still pleased with the result. I think they have the right vibe.


As usual creating animations and graphics were the biggest time sink.


By now I’ve found out several other people had the same idea. I awarded them an award for it (with a Ludum Dare you can give people home made awards).
Here’s the award:
surf ace
I called the award: ‘welcome to the Surf Ace Club’ (it’s an ace with Surf on it, Hilarious! although now I realise I should have made it an ace of Clubs not Spades DOH!).


Anyhow, if you want to play it, you can as long as you have Flash. Click the link or the picture to go to the Ludum Dare page:





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