Ludum Dare-FAIL
So I entered the Ludum Dare competition late and thought I would do something simple.
It turns out simple things take long as well (at least for me). I was no where near finishing (not even for the extended JAM deadline).
But I liked my idea and have continued working on it. Of course now I have enough time to polish, think, rethink and change so this will take a lot of time.
One of the features that creeped into the game is 3D. I wanted to make a board-game-like-game.
I never made anything in 3D so it’s a steep learning curve. But at the moment I have something I don’t dislike.
The Army markers are dynamically made, so changes to the army are visible on the marker.
A lot of ugly, but at the moment I’m still pleased.
Oh, and this was how it looked at the end of the Ludum Dare competition: