Noordertest 2016

Just like last year the organizers of the Noordertest event asked me to make a cartoon for their posters. I showed them 5 sketches and they liked them so much they wanted to take three.

Noordertest 2016 has ‘The internet of things’ as its theme, so I made all cartoons fit the theme.

They also made a pdf with the program which also contains the cartoons (a bit clearer than the photo’s below).

Here are the three cartoons ‘in action’ (the other cartoons will show up on this site too).
The photo’s are low quality and in Dutch so I’ve put a translation beneath each one.

The internet of things
OK, which one of you entered me in the Weight Watchers program?


The internet of things
“We got a fine for putting glass in the green bin”
The internet of things
My thermostat doesn’t understand me!


2 thoughts on “Noordertest 2016

  1. Günther

    I love it 🙂
    (Thanks for including translations!)

    1. goerp

      Thank YOU!
      BTW: I started to browse your webpage and . . . Holy cow! there are a lot of ASCII Cows!

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