End of life for Flash With Adobe ending support for the Flash browser plugin, this really is the end of all fun things on the internet.Which for me also means the end of being able to show the things
Praise for ‘Ben Eath the Surf Ace’: ‘Dumbest thing I’ve played since Goat Simulator’ – Obsolete Entertainment Watch the complete gameplay review
The previous weekend was another Ludum Dare weekend. Although I found it tough, I’m pretty pleased with the result. As usual I try to think of a game that other people will not think of. And as
For the upcoming Ludum Dare I tried a new workflow for music. Did not make a lot, but I made this: metal test with aquestone singing And I had some sorely needed practice with Reaper. By the way: the
Two weeks ago I made the game (term used loosely) ‘Ben Eath the Surf Ace’ for the Ludum Dare 29 competition. Usually people write a ‘post-mortem’ about making the game,
My Mini Ludum 45 entry ‘Helsing’s hunt’ is featured on the gallery of CBM .prg Studio , the site of the program I used to create the (Commodore 64) game. It can be found on this